Welcome to the PPE (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics) channel, where we explore the dynamic degree designed with societies in mind. PPE offers flexibility, enabling students to specialise on two, or embrace all three branches. At OxPods, we hope to showcases the diverse range of specialisms within the PPE student body, from Politics in Latin America to Game Theory to post-Kantian Philosophy. As one of Oxford's largest undergraduate degrees, and arguably the most (in)famous, PPE shapes alumni into critical thinkers, policymakers, and leaders, some of whom we investigate on OxPods. Alongside PPE, bipartite degrees like Economics and Management, History and Politics, Philosophy and Theology, which encompass a broad array of relevant topics, are welcomed in the PPE channel to provide boundless access to brilliant Oxford academics. Join the conversation, whether you're a prospective student, a seasoned scholar, or someone intrigued by the the wealth of topics PPE has to offer.